The Evolution of GM.

🎉 It’s okay to get excited about partnerships!
In SaaS, excited partners > incentivized partners.
They are your advocates, your champions, and your loyal allies in the market.
If you figure out the right incentives on top of how to properly drive engagement, trust, and excitement, you’re definitely on track to success.
Thanks for contributing to this section of the PhD, Rob Rebholz.
🔋 GM joins Tesla’s charging stations
GM doesn’t want to be left without juice to charge their EVs.
Within weeks of Ford partnering up with Tesla to gain access to charging stations, GM followed suit.
The partnerships are a boon for drivers of EV vehicles as the new partnerships will encourage manufacturers to use the NACS charging port as the new standard.
📈 Level up your events strategy
Here’s the path to killer events 👇
1) Partner Up. 🤝
2) 🛑 STOP Product Pitching.
3) Make the event an experience. 🤩
4) Lead with value. 💸
Want to go deeper?
Check out our event with GTM Partners and Airmeet on June 29th.
Join Jill Rowley, Mark Kilens, Bryan Brown, and Jared Fuller as they unveil how to use Nearbound events to supercharge revenue.

📅 Happenings
- Today, 2 PM ET – HubSpot is hosting "The Co-Marketing Playbook" for Tech Partners! Learn how Justin Zimmerman (Partner Playbooks), Michael Cole (Everflow), Cori Kendrick (Clickup), and Isaac Smith (ON24) generate MQLs thru/with partners. Hosted by Kelly Sarabyn (Hubspot).
- June 29, 1 PM ET - Nearbound: Supercharge Revenue With Partner-led Events – Why do only 30% of people who register show up for an event? It’s because you’re doing it wrong! Join our awesome panel of speakers as they unveil how to use Nearbound to take Event-Led-Growth to the next level.
- July 12, 12 PM ET – What is Account Mapping? Join David Herzog, Senior Worldwide Go-to-Market Leader at Amazon, and Scott Pollack (CEO at Firneo) as they unlock the mysteries of account mapping.
🌳 Partnerships in the Wild

Ads display on boats that map the ocean and clean up plastic near St. Petersburg, Florida. Source.
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