If you haven’t heard, we started the PartnerHacker Education Hub. It’s your go-to place to learn more about partnerships. In it, we feature the best education programs in partnerships.
We’ve partnered up with SaaSy Sales, Firneo, Partnernomics, PXP, SEBS, and Tenego Academy to bring you the best courses in partnerships and business development.
I’ve reached out to some of our profs at the Ed Hub to learn more. Today, I’m releasing an interview with Todd Hussey of SEBS.
You can read parts I, II, and III of this series here:
- Part I: The Science of Partnerships with Mark Brigman
- Part II: Gain 10 Years of Partner Knowledge in 8 Weeks with Scott Pollack of Firneo
- Part III: Harnessing the Power of Partner Led Sales with Lisa Lawson of SaaSy Sales
Check out my latest interview with Todd Hussey from SEBS below.
Why another partner education model?
We see a significant need for individual partner professionals to understand the partner ecosystems, not just the why; although we do cover the why, but we really get into the: how do I do to create a partner ecosystem? – Todd Hussey
SEBS’s goal is to be the only education system designed around the influence-land-expand framework.
The Influence - Land - Expand partner framework from SEBS.
We all know we need to build our partnership ecosystem, but how do we do that? At SEBS, they dive in deep on the actual how-to of partnerships.
Todd Hussey explains the need for an education model that focuses on the how-to.
SEBS uses the Canalys framework for partner education
The SEBS framework really revolves around the types of partners and the different roles that people need to take within those different types of partners to create an ecosystem. So it really starts with the basics. The market is at almost a 101 level today, but we grow them into the 201, 301, and 401 levels. – Todd Hussey
Building partnership knowledge starts with a solid foundation. SEBS reached out to some of the best instructors in partnerships, such as Jay McBain, to help you get the most out of your time spent.
Todd Hussey explains how SEBS uses the Canalys framework in its education model.
Full interview
Aaron Olson 0:11
I wanted to talk to you today about the course of yours or the courses of yours that we’re getting in our education hub over at partner hacker.com. Tell me a little bit more about those courses.
Todd Hussey 0:23
Sure, it’s actually, we call it an education center. We see a significant need in the, for individual partner professionals as an example, for organizations as a whole for line of business teams that are trying to to understand partner ecosystems, not necessarily just the why, although we do cover the why we really get into to what do I do to create a partner ecosystem? And all the all the moving parts in how do I create a partner ecosystem? Again, whether you’re a partner ecosystem, professional, a leader, but partner ecosystems is really an organization wide effort. And so we really focus on all the all that is needed of not just again, the why but how do we create it? And in in what is needed to create a a successful partner ecosystem?
Aaron Olson 1:38
Yeah, I like that approach. When did you realize that it was necessary to sort of offer a full featured partnership course on demand like this?
Todd Hussey 1:46
Well, that’s that’s actually a really good question. This actually goes back years before partner ecosystems was actually you know, in vogue, if you will, but it really came to fruition if you will. In conversations with Jay McBain we all know Jay, je travels the world virtually and physically. And t really teaches if you will, every of the world executives, organizations about why everybody why his words we are in the decade of the partner ecosystem. And it really came from a conversation with him that it’s all well, they all walk away and say, Now what? And how do I do it? So you know, it’s been probably a year plus. And we have officially or formally launched this week. And we’re now going out to again, not just individuals, individuals, but organizations as well, to help them really embrace this and make this this this change if you will this business model change work?
Aaron Olson 3:00
Yeah, in your courses feature everything from basic what seems like one on one partnerships courses, all the way through like a 500 level PhD type of stuff. How do students know which path to pursue when they go over there and look at your courses?
Todd Hussey 3:13
Well, we have the beginning is what we call the Foundations program. So that’s about 120 lessons. That that is about 20 hours of video lessons about 120 pieces of content. So you start based on the Canalys and Jay McBain is partner ecosystem framework. So the framework really revolves around the types of partners and the different roles that people need to take within those different types of partners to create an ecosystem. So it really starts with the basics. And and because because overall, the market is at almost a 101 level today, but we grow them into the 213141. But the foundations is just that it’s like the foundation of a house. Again, it’s based on the great work that Jay and Canalis have done in creating kind of this. The one slide that they put up to and Jay says this is the framework for your partner ecosystem. We then crater all the lessons and the content around that, that framework.
Aaron Olson 4:40
Okay, so you mentioned Jay McBain a couple of times and people in partnerships probably know that name. Tell me a little bit more about how you teamed up with Jay to create these courses.
Todd Hussey 4:51
Well, we we I love the word has teamed up um he he’s doing In we’re doing the same thing. He’s out, again, teaching the world about or the why of partner ecosystems. Um, and he has been a guest speaker, a guest instructor, if you will. So we’re really actually following his lead. And we’re trying to do the same thing, educate the world on partner ecosystems, and help organizations be successful, creating their partner ecosystems and partner professionals.
Aaron Olson 5:34
Okay, okay. Well, Todd, it’s been great talking with you today. Is there anything else that you want our listeners to know before we end the call about the course that you’re releasing soon?
Todd Hussey 5:46
Yeah, it’s, again, it’s it’s an education center. It’s very, and it’s not anything to do with legacy partnerships. It has everything to do with partner ecosystems, and an I’m gonna use Jay’s words. Again, we’re in the decade of the partner ecosystem, and it is a new b2b model. And and if you think that it is another a next-gen, or the next version of a partnership program, it’s not; it’s a completely different model for any b2b business that needs to scale a business.
Aaron Olson 6:32
Okay, okay. Well, Todd, I’m looking forward to taking those courses and diving in more. I appreciate you being on the call with me today. Thanks so much.
Todd Hussey 6:41
Thank you for I appreciate your time as well.