Co-Sell Orchestration solves B2B SaaS’s biggest problem, the core elements of a Co-Sell Orchestration Solution.

In last month’s column, we talked about Co-Sell Orchestration as the new imperative for every partner team. We explained the different co-sell segments, Co-Sell Orchestration objectives, and key processes and roles, and responsibilities.
Today, we’re excited to present the story from the POV of the Revenue Team, starting with how Co-Sell Orchestration solves B2B SaaS’s biggest problem, the core elements of a Co-Sell Orchestration Solution, and a crawl, walk, run plan to get to the promised land.
The problem
As the graphic below shows, in 2023, B2B SaaS companies will waste $20B on ineffective outbound ($11B on BDRs) and inbound (+$9B on demand generation). The ineffectual nature of this work is demonstrated by one metric: Only 3% of the $11B BDR outbound results in closed won business.