A quick recap of the PhD from this week:
- Speak CRO, Get Buy-In
- Partner Program Y1 = Foundation, Y2 = Victory
- Even Grandma Gets Nearbound
- Retention is the New Acquisition
- Make Your Partner Program Addictive
Recently published:
- PartnerUp #110 - HubSpot is Coming for Salesforce: The 4 Epochs of the Ecosystem with Connor Jeffers and Isaac Morehouse
- Selling Together #13: 10 Years of Driving Growth Through Partnerships with Jessie Shipman and Mike Head
- Airmeet Leads the Way on Event-Led Growth via Nearbound by Will Taylor
- Howdy Partner #34: Realistic Priority Setting with Chris Lavoie and the Howdy Partners Posse
- Marketing Together #13: 5 Steps to Webinars that Don’t Suck with Logan Lyles and Casey Hill
- Partner Teams Need Better Positioning - Introducing Co-Selling Teams by Allan Adler
- Transforming Informal Channel Relationships Into Strategic Alliances by Gwyn Edwards
- Promises Made, Promises Kept: How One VP Enhanced Sendoso’s Partner Program by Micaela Richmond
- Selling Together #14: How To Earn the Right To Their Attention with Jessie Shipman and Leslie Venetz
- The Partner Experience Weekly: Getting Started with Partner Experience by Aaron Howerton
We’ve moved from how —> who
A tectonic shift is upon digital.
We are catapulting from the —> “how” to “who” economy.
The world we live in is no longer a battle of information.
It’s a battle of influence.
The dominant question of the zeitgeist today does not seek to answer questions with “how,” but instead with “who.”
Buyers are no longer asking, “How do I solve X?” Or “Where do I find Y?”
They are asking, “Who has solved X?”
They are leaning on those they trust.
Influence comes from trust.
Trust comes from those who help.
And we no longer have room for opinions or information. Not all opinions or information is equal.
We only have room for proof. “Who has been to the place I am trying to go?”
Or "Who can help me?"
In the old world of “how,” buyers would:
—> Google to find solutions
—> Compare product specs // review sites
—> Evaluate company content
—> Information is Key
—> Buyer believes in your product
—> The best content wins
In the new world of “who,” buyers now:
—> Ask those they trust
—> Vet others who have already accomplished the task
—> Relationship is key
—> Buyers identify with your advocates
—> The best network wins
The evidence is overwhelming.
For example:
1.) Americans receive between 400-10,000 ad impressions per day (Deloitte)
2.) 70% of B2B buyers reference a person, a partner, or word of mouth as their “source” (Refine Labs)
3.) Deals that involve one or more partners have a 41% higher win rate and close 35% faster (Reveal)
In the old world, Google, the major ad platforms, and the companies who gamed them were the winners by gating the answers to “how,” or “where.”
In the new world, influencers like Mr. Beast launch the world’s fastest-growing restaurant AND candy company seemingly overnight through “who.”
Are you prepared for the digital tectonic shift upon us? The future is Nearbound.
You’ve heard, your network is your net worth. That’s Nearbound.
Tattoo it.
Pre-register for free today.