Nearbound Daily #126: B2B SOS

Nearbound Daily #126: B2B SOS

Aaron Olson 2 min

B2B needs help

There’s way too much spam out there.

People are sick of ads, and emails that are generic and don’t have any personality.

We don’t need any more generic B2B stuff out there.

Try using some of the PartnerHacker Principles instead:

  1. Make them famous.
  2. Nobody is interested in you until they know how interested you are in them.
  3. Build radical generosity into your culture.
  4. Surprise people with how much you’re willing to bend over backward for them. Make it a point of pride.
  5. Live-in-market.
  6. The market isn’t a target to be attacked. Instead of targeting it, become a trusted part of it.

The benefits of a community

Chris Samila, Co-Founder and Chief Partner Officer at Partnership Leaders, joined the Friends with Benefits podcast to discuss his perspective on partnerships, what he’s learned running Partnership Leaders, and advice for partnership professionals looking to grow their careers.

He shares tips for creating a great partner experience and recommends sales training resources that he’s found useful in his partnerships career.

Listen to the full episode here.

📅 Happenings

  • Aug 16, 2 PM EST – Partnerships Career Power-Up: Leveraging Transferable Skills – Join Christiannah Oyedeji (Former Head of Partnerships at MailChimp) and Scott Pollack (CEO at Firneo) as they explore how to build transferable skills that can help you evolve throughout your partnerships career. Register here.

Quote of the Day

The choice we all have to make, whether we realize it or not, is are we going to compete in an existing market category for ultimately what will be roughly a quarter of the value, or are we going to design our own new category where we can build the market? – Christopher Lochhead on the PartnerUp Pod

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Aaron Olson 2 min

Nearbound Daily #126: B2B SOS

B2B needs help.

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