Nearbound Daily #106: Your marketing has a problem

Nearbound Daily #106: Your marketing has a problem

Multiple Contributors 1 min

We need more trust

There is a growing problem with inbound marketing.


We need more magnets to leverage the same pulling power.


It is a major shift.


And it’s a good one!


But it requires us to change.


We’ve got 2 options:


1) Try to build a bigger magnet 😬🧲


2) Leverage the power of multiple magnets *together* 🤝


I’m going with #2.


You need to start tapping into:


— Influencers


— Strategic Partners


— Content Creators


— Agency Partners


— Your Customers


Instead of building a bigger magnet. Start surrounding your prospects with the collective power of all your magnets.


Thanks for contributing to this section of the PhD, Logan Lyles!


We’re going to Catalyst!

We’re stoked to be attending Catalyst 2023, August 21—23 in Denver, Colorado.


Our team of hackers will be covering everything happening on the ground.


We’ll also have a live podcast booth to record the PartnerUp podcast.


We can’t wait to see you there.



Take a look at the big partnership picture



The Howdy Partners posse was joined by strategic partnership expert Alyshah Walji.


Together, they dive into the intricacies of building successful strategic partnerships, regardless of whether you’re working with a massive corporation or a smaller technology company.


Partnerships in the Wild


Check out all of Barbie’s partnerships. Thanks, FJS!


🤝 Help us surround partner pros, share the PhD

Share the PhD and get some PartnerHacker swag while you’re at it.



Multiple Contributors 1 min

Nearbound Daily #106: Your marketing has a problem

Partnerships needs more trust.

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