Nearbound Daily #014: It's the customer, stupid

Nearbound Daily #014: It's the customer, stupid 2 min

Keep the customer front and center

Why are we so interested in partnerships? It’s not just for the good vibes we get when working together.


It’s because the customers demand it.


That’s it.


AppBind’s Sunir Shah put it well: If customers don’t care about partnerships, then there’s no reason for them to exist.


At the end of the day, it’s the end customer that drives the relationship. Don’t complicate your partnership – keep the customer in mind. 


New partner pod episodes


This episode of Partner Up is a must-listen for all partner pros and execs. Partner pros - hear the mindset of your execs and learn how to partner pill them in 2023. Execs - get a look into how the best leaders are rewriting their playbooks to deal with the challenges of the economy.


Kyle Kramer joins the Howdy Partners posse to talk about how to drive agency referral success in this episode.


Tyler Calder of PartnerStack shared over 1 billion data points to tell us what to expect in 2023 in this ep.


Allan Adler writes about how to monetize your tech partnerships in 2023 with the Digital Bridge GoToEco Referral Flywheel.


We can’t keep doing the same thing and expect different results

To succeed in today’s business environment, we need to start thinking outside the box. For starters, let’s say NO to boring webinars.


Shawn Li of Flip had a few great suggestions on how to do webinars differently in 2023. 



  • Firneo Sneak Peak: Learn proven systems for building partnerships that scale – Today, 12 PM ET - Learn the proven system for building partnerships that scale your company and career. Register here.

  • Kiflo Roundtable: Partner Recruitment – Tuesday, February 7th, 11:00 AM (CST) – Kick-off 2023 with Kiflo Roundtables. Join Martin Scholz, Justin Zimmerman, and Shawnie Hamer as they tackle partner recruitment. Register here.

  • The Partner Success Maturity Model - Friday, February 10th, 2 - 3:30 PM ET - Kick-back with PartnerPage and PartnerHacker as we unveil the Partner Success Maturity Model, together. Register here.


Share the feel-good partnership vibes

Get all the feel-good vibes as you’re drinking coffee from a PartnerHacker mug. Get 10 PhD referrals, and we’ll send you a mug. 2 min

Nearbound Daily #014: It's the customer, stupid

Are partnerships just for good vibes?

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