Nearbound Weekend 02/17: Nearbound and The Rise of the Who Economy

Nearbound Weekend 02/17: Nearbound and The Rise of the Who Economy


Recently published

Celebrate with us LIVE on Tuesday, February 27th

There are 108 individuals and 110 companies mentioned, referenced, or quoted in NEARBOUND and the Rise of the Who Economy. And hundreds more than that, that indirectly influenced and helped pioneer the concept of the new GTM.

Ideas aren’t formed in vacuums. Everyone reading this is part of a movement. There is a zeitgeist around reaching buyers with those who surround them—those they trust.


This book marks a crystallization of things observed, experimented with, and learned by the best partnerships and GTM leaders. The Outbound Era came and waned, the Inbound Era came and is waning, the Nearbound Era is just beginning. (And it’s giving new life to both outbound and inbound in the process!)


I’m honored to be living in market with all of you and learning out loud about these changes and how to adjust our strategies and tactics to align with buyer behavior.


I am thrilled to personally invite you to the LIVE launch event for the book, streaming to you from Paris, Tuesday, February 27 at 1pm ET.


Join us, bring your ideas, bring your questions, and grab a copy of the book as it opens for purchase that day. Let’s bring these ideas to every ELT and board room.


Let’s change the way business is done.


Excited to keep writing new chapters with all of you!



Welcome to the Nearbound Era

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Nearbound Weekend 02/17: Nearbound and The Rise of the Who Economy



Nearbound Weekend 02/17: Nearbound and The Rise of the Who Economy

Ideas aren't formed in vacuums. Everyone reading this is part of a movement.

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