Nearbound Daily #438: What Amazon's new feature means đŸ˜±

Nearbound Daily #438: What Amazon's new feature means đŸ˜±

Shawnie Hamer 5 min

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An inbox horror story đŸ‘»


Last week I was scrolling through LinkedIn when I stopped. A post caught my eye. It was Peter Caputa, the CEO of Databox and HubSpot legend, sharing an inbox horror story. 


He explained,

I just got the same exact awful sales message from two different people. 

He shared the full thread and then asked his network for advice. 


My favorite piece of advice came from Phil Wiseman.

(11) Activity Peter Caputa LinkedIn 2023-10-23 at 12.22.45 PM

Why is this important? Because the best sellers play the long game and build relationships.


Another incredible seller, Sam Mckenna took the point even further in a principles article

Yes, you want to bring in revenue; but more importantly, you want to be seen as a person who helps bring solutions to the table.

You see, caring isn’t just about the warm fuzzies. 


It’s a real strategy to differentiate yourself as a seller. AI, automation, and hundreds of playbooks have made words cheap. 


It used to be impressive to write a good email. Now if you want someone’s time, you’ve got to show you’ve done your research.


Continue reading to hear how you can leverage nearbound tactics to do that!

So, about short emails...


Sam Mckenna, famous in the community for coining the phrase show me you know me, recently shared a tip with her community of sellers.


One of the best ways sellers can prove they know their buyer is with a solid email strategy—but not necessarily short ones. Sam explains: 

One of the things we hear these days is shorter emails are better.Gong data and all other data sources show the longer an email is, as long as it’s personalized and relevant, it actually works better.

This might seem counterintuitive since buyers are often bombarded with emails, but Sam explains that the motive for sales using short emails is more for us than it is for buyers:  

The reason is what we’re actually doing is only selfishly thinking about our email, versus thinking holistically about the buyer’s inbox.


(7) Post LinkedIn 2023-10-20 at 1.38.06 PM

As perfectly showcased by Peter Caputa in the previous section, your buyer’s inbox is full of short, generic emails. Personalization helps you stand out from the rest because it’s step one in forming a real relationship.


You could use information from LinkedIn or Google to personalize, or you could take it a step further with nearbound tactics and get intel from the people your buyers already trust.


For example, you can find a partner overlap and reach out using the 3 I’s of nearbound play-by-play template to ask for some intel on the account.


Which one are you more likely to respond to—an email with some generic info about your company or an email that name-drops a mutual friend and addresses a specific problem you’ve been facing?


We’ve got to remember that our buyers are just like us. They have limited time and respond to those who have earned their trust.


Will Allred and Jared Fuller are doing a session on real templates you can use to run nearbound sales on November 9th at the Nearbound Summit 2023.


Never get lost in a crowded inbox again. Register now.


Amazon leverages the ’Who Economy’


Amazon just launched a feature that allows customers to “consult a friend” to help them make purchase decisions.


The company’s internal data showed that customers were already sharing and asking for feedback. Apparently, customers “pressed that button billions of times!”


Here’s more evidence of the Who Economy. People are turning to voices they trust for feedback on purchase decisions—even ones as simple as home decor on Amazon.


Maybe “consult a friend” will even lessen the items in a customer’s “save for later” black hole.


Read more about the story.

Amazon adds social shopping features, including a way to ask friends for product feedback TechCrunch 2023-10-20 at 1.35.34 AM

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  • November 16th —Elevate Your Presale GTM with Tech Partners— Learn from industry experts like Kelly Sarabyn (HubSpot), Jared Fuller ( and Reveal), Sunir Shah (AppBind), and Alexander Buckles (Forecastable). Evolve your GTM strategy with tech partners. Register here. 

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  • April 19th-20th —SaaS Connect 2023— It’s that time of year again! Get your spot early for the 11th annual partnership conference in San Francisco, hosted by Cloud Software Association. Register here. 

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Shawnie Hamer 5 min

Nearbound Daily #438: What Amazon's new feature means đŸ˜±

An inbox horror story đŸ‘»

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