How Nearbound Revolutionizes Tech Partnerships

How Nearbound Revolutionizes Tech Partnerships

Multiple Contributors 7 min

In this article you’ll learn:

  • Why Nearbound is important to grow your tech partner program
  • The benefits of leveraging tech partnerships
  • Top plays from experts to leverage tech partners using Nearbound

For customers, there’s no better match made in heaven than integrated solutions that give them the value they need to solve their day-to-day work challenges and be surrounded by the influence of people and companies they already trust.

And the best way to create that synergy is to leverage Nearbound to build tech partnerships. You may encounter gaps within your solution, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t partner to bridge those gaps in the most efficient way.

It’s time to bridge this gap and unlock the true power of Nearbound in driving meaningful results within the realm of technology partnerships.

What are tech partnerships?

Tech parnerships are collaborations between technology companies to integrate or enhance their technologies, software, or platforms. This allows them to offer more comprehensive or innovative solutions to their customers.

According to The 2022 State of Partner Ops and Programs by HubSpot, 77% of organizations have technology partners, and they rank these types of partners as the most important ones. In addition, 74.2% of buyers report that a system’s ability to integrate is either a very or extremely important consideration.

There are several drivers that can lead organizations to build a tech partnership. Here are a few common ones:

  • Innovation and technology enhancement: Tech partnerships can provide access to innovative technologies, tools, or expertise that can enhance your company’s products or services.
  • Value-Added Services: Building a tech partnership can enable your solution to offer value-added services or complementary products to your existing customers. This can enhance your customer experience, increase customer loyalty, and drive repeat business.
  • Cost reduction and efficiency: Collaborating with a tech partner can lead to sharing resources, knowledge, and infrastructure that can help you streamline processes, reduce expenses, and improve overall efficiency.

Benefits of building tech partnerships

Working with tech partners fosters innovation, market expansion, and access to specialized expertise, empowering companies to stay competitive, deliver value to customers, and achieve their business objectives more effectively.

  • Accelerated innovation: Technology partners often drive innovation at a rapid pace. By collaborating with them, companies can leverage their cutting-edge technologies, research and development capabilities, and innovative approaches to stay ahead of the competition and deliver unique solutions to their customers.
  • Market expansion: Partnering with established tech companies can provide access to new markets, customers, and distribution channels. This allows companies to expand their reach, penetrate new segments, and increase their market share more effectively than they could on their own.
  • Shared resources: Collaborative partnerships with tech companies offer the opportunity to pool resources, whether it’s financial, technological, or human capital. This shared investment can lead to cost savings, increased operational efficiency, and improved resource utilization.

Nearbound and tech partnerships

There are a lot of uses for Nearbound data that can help you improve your tech partnership program. For example, you can:

  • Identify the number of shared customers that each product has to know how successful your integration can be.
  • Identify target ecosystems and use cases to expand your market reach.
  • Improve customer stickiness and align KPIs and strategies with tech partners.

Nearbound empowers Partnership Managers with valuable data insights and collaborative opportunities, leading to improved business outcomes.

However, many companies and Partnership teams have yet to fully grasp the transformative power of Nearbound within this specific domain, due to the:

  • Limited awareness: Companies and teams may lack knowledge about Nearbound as a go-to-market strategy and its ability to leverage ecosystems and partner influence.
  • Resistance to change: Companies may be reluctant to deviate from traditional strategies and embrace Nearbound.
  • Measurement and ROI concerns: Uncertainty about KPIs, ROI measurement, and attribution may discourage adoption.

To address these challenges, companies can develop educational programs and training on Nearbound’s benefits.

showcasing success stories and emphasizing collaboration that can support its adoption in the tech partnership landscape.

Expert tips for leveraging tech partners using Nearbound

To discover how leveraging Nearbound can revolutionize the way you build tech partnerships, we have gathered insights from industry leaders who have mastered the Nearbound play. Use these insights to help build your strategy and get internal buy-in.

Philip McKennan

Phil McKennan is the Senior Director of Product Partnerships at Qualtrics. His main focus is to build a world-class partner ecosystem. In his free time, he can often be found trail running or exploring the food scene in the Bay Area.

The Nearbound play

When launching a new tech partnership, harness the power of Nearbound to build pipeline and win deals by focusing on the partner’s install base. Showcase your solution as a value-add that unlocks new use cases for their existing tech vendor.

Here’s how:

  1. Craft targeted messaging: Develop compelling messaging that highlights the unique benefits and differentiation of your solution. Emphasize how it addresses pain points and brings added value to the partner’s customers.
  2. Integrate with marketing automation tools: Utilize Nearbound by integrating your Account Mapping platform (e.g., Reveal) with a marketing automation platform like Outreach. This integration enables you to run email campaigns with specific messaging tailored to targeted contacts.
  3. Run targeted email campaigns: Create segmented email lists based on customer profiles, industries, or pain points. Customize your messaging for each segment, showcasing how your solution addresses their specific needs and unlocks new possibilities.
  4. Analyze and optimize: Monitor performance using analytics and tracking tools. Measure metrics such as email open rates, click-through rates, meetings scheduled, and deal closure rates. Analyze the results to identify areas for improvement and refine your strategies.


By implementing Nearbound strategies, you can expect significant improvements in key performance metrics. Experience email open rates, meetings scheduled with prospects, and deal closure rates increasing by 3x-4x. Continuously refine your approach based on data insights for ongoing success.

Remember, Nearbound accelerates revenue growth and overcomes partnership, marketing, and sales challenges. By effectively leveraging Nearbound, you can tap into your partner’s install base, deliver targeted messaging, and achieve remarkable results in pipeline generation and deal closures.

Connor Jeffers

Connor Jeffers is the Founder and CEO of Aptitude 8. His main focus is to bring together the foremost experts in WebOps, RevOps, Marketing Ops, and Solutions Architecture to build machines that help his customers grow better.

The Nearbound play

To maximize the potential of your tech partnerships, leverage Nearbound strategies that focus on partner origination, data synchronization, and joint value proposition. Here’s how:

  1. Partner origination: Identify companies your customers already trust and foster a give-first mentality. Collaborate on joint events, social media posts, and content creation to establish credibility and expand your reach.
  2. Data synchronization: Build a pipeline for Partnership Managers to handle Nearbound data effectively. Use Account Mapping to identify common opportunities, customers, and prospects between your company and your tech partners.
  3. Joint Value Proposition: Determine how your combined value proposition benefits customers. Spark conversations by utilizing Nearbound data to enhance joint influence and connect partners with relevant opportunities.
  4. Sync Nearbound data to your CRM: Sync Nearbound data, obtained through tools like Reveal, back to your CRM (e.g., HubSpot). Leverage this data to identify shared customer accounts and create targeted segments for personalized outreach.


  • Enhance value delivery to customers by leveraging Nearbound insights.
  • Generate more opportunities and create compelling demos for your application.
  • Enable partners to offer additional services to their customers, expanding their capabilities.
  • Empower partner managers to sell more effectively and enable sales teams to close more deals.

Remember, Nearbound provides opportunities to provide unique value to customers, deepens partnerships, and drives revenue growth. By embracing Nearbound strategies, you can unlock the full potential of your tech partnerships and achieve mutual success.

Nearbound: The game-changer

Nearbound is a game-changing strategy in tech partnerships. By leveraging its power, companies can accelerate revenue growth, overcome challenges, and unlock remarkable outcomes.

Embrace targeted messaging, run email campaigns, and optimize strategies based on data insights to drive significant improvements in performance metrics. Education, collaboration, and ROI measurement are crucial for successful adoption.

To revolutionize tech partnerships and leave a lasting impact by harnessing the power of Nearbound, just get in touch with our team.

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Multiple Contributors 7 min

How Nearbound Revolutionizes Tech Partnerships

Learn how to revolutionize tech partnerships and leave a lasting impact by harnessing the power of Nearbound.

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