Is Enablement Possible Without Ops?

Is Enablement Possible Without Ops?

Jessie Shipman 3 min

Have you ever engaged in an enablement program that seemed to be all over the place? You know the one, where you’re being asked to do a training, or webinar, or engage with some piece of content but you have no idea why? It’s likely that the culprit for this scattered enablement approach is a lack of operations.

In the same way that RevOps is the foundation of sales enablement, so to is PartnerOps foundational to Partner Enablement.


PartnerOps builds the boundaries that keep co-marketing, co-selling, co-success, and enablement all pointed in the right direction. Ops break down the silos between these teams and ensure that everyone on the partner team is on the same page and is working toward the same goals.

PartnerOps paves the way for seamless collaboration and a shared vision of success.

The result?

A powerful, unified force driving the partner revenue engine.

Data and Insights

Data seems to be the one thing that Partnerships is still struggling to piece together. Do we track partner-sourced, or partner influenced? Or both? And how? How do we track attribution? Do we get 50% attribution if the lead was influenced? And on and on.

No matter what metrics you decide to track, it’s PartnerOps that weaves together data from multiple sources, transforming it into a treasure trove of actionable insights. From these insights partner teams can make informed decisions and create strategies that are tailored to your customers’ and partners’ needs.

Once the needs have been identified, it becomes clear what tools, processes, content, and people will be required to enable partners, and partner enablement can move in a meaningful direction.

Process Optimization

Because PartnerOps has a better understanding of the data and insights, as well as the available tools across an organization, they’re masters at streamlining workflows and eliminating bottlenecks.

By continuously refining and improving processes, PartnerOps ensures your partner teams including the partner enablement team are always operating at peak efficiency, delivering the right information for the right partner at the right time.

Performance Measurement

Figuring out how partner professionals should be tasked and measured is still a contentious topic. Particularly for Partner Enablement.

PartnerOps can help to define which data points can be used to measure the effectiveness of enablement activities.

This can be a difficult task if you don’t know what you’re looking for, but tying enablement to revenue can be accomplished if PartnerOps is foundational. Monitor the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most to your business, providing a clear view of what’s working and what’s not.

By celebrating wins and identifying areas for improvement, PartnerOps helps teams learn, grow, and stay motivated to push the boundaries of partner potential.

Jessie Shipman is the CEO and Co-Founder of Fluincy, a Sales Enablement Software for Partnerships. She has a background in education and learning theory and spent 4 years building and delivering partner enablement strategy for Apple’s top partnerships before building Fluincy.

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Jessie Shipman 3 min

Is Enablement Possible Without Ops?

In the same way that RevOps is the foundation of sales enablement, so to is PartnerOps foundational to Partner Enablement.

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