In its simplest definition, strategic partnerships refer to a relationship between two or more entities where the intent is to create a competitive advantage.

We live in a constantly changing world where innovation happens faster than ever before. Companies need to match that speed, or they may lose out on opportunities for growth and success.
Doing so takes purposeful partnerships with other organizations who share your goals and objectives. Those strategic partnerships allow you to offer services better tailored towards meeting customer needs—no matter what industry you’re in.
What is a strategic partnership?
Fostering strategic partnerships allows businesses to create unique offerings that others cannot replicate. In its simplest definition, strategic partnerships refer to a relationship between two or more entities where the intent is to create a competitive advantage.
In contrast, a general partnership may only focus on adding value to its internal participants.
Growth benefits of strategic partnerships
Strategic partnerships (alliances) typically involve less risk than fully merging with another company (acquisition) or even developing something new in-house (organic). Building tactical relationships allows both parties critical advantages with minimal downsides – something many businesses have already come to realize.
It’s time your business leverages the potential of strategic partnerships. Check out these seven reasons your business should build strategic partnerships:
- Gain access to your partner’s capabilities
- Increase expertise and resources
- Boost revenue streams and reach new markets
- Enhance your reputation within your industry
- Broaden brand awareness and deepen trust
- Achieve deeper insight into customer perspectives
- Add value to your customers’ experience
Fostering strategic partnerships will allow your business to acquire new ideas and customers, leading to enhanced innovation and accelerated growth.
In fact, HubSpot, a SaaS company, took advantage of strategic partnerships with complementary services, and they created a sales channel worth over $100 million.
The value of a customer-first mindset
A customer-first mindset means your business plan centers around addressing the needs of your customer base with intentional offerings and an exceptional customer experience. However, it is also critical to include employee needs when building a customer-first strategy.
The premise is like oxygen masks on a plane: help yourself before you can appropriately help others.
Fostering a customer-first mindset requires a deep understanding of your customer’s needs and how your business can fill the gaps – something your entire organization needs to be aligned on and motivated toward (hence, the importance of engaged employees).
In evaluating your client base, you may come to realize that your current array of offerings may not be positioned to serve certain customer needs or interests.
Maintaining a customer-first mindset means continuously identifying ways you can better support your target customers’ needs, and a great way for businesses to act on unfulfilled needs is by partnering with like-minded organizations.
According to the BPI Network, 57% of organizations acquire new customers through fostering partnerships. As more businesses realize the potential of strategic partnerships, that percentage is only going to grow.
The bottom line: We’re better together
If you have a customer-first mindset, growth will naturally follow. By developing strategic partnerships, you can offer your customers unmatched value.
Helen Keller once said,
Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
Collaboration is critical across all relationships in life, but now is the time to tactically apply it to business.
Why? Because we are, indeed, better together.